Three Houses

  • Location: Sandymount, Dublin
  • Budget: Private
  • Status: In progress
  • Type: Housing

A proposal for three private houses on a tight brownfield site in Sandymount, Dublin.

The irregular wedge-shaped site sits on a prominent corner along a well trafficked coastal route, facing onto parkland opposite. The cranked plan of the proposed terrace has been developed to mediate between the existing building lines and the busy corner. Stepped roof levels transition between the existing houses to the south and the new apartment development soon to be built to the North.

The houses are designed to maximise privacy for the residents whilst also achieving a generous, pleasant outlook towards both the park and coastline along Beach Road. This is best illustrated by the rooftop terraces which will offer residents the rare opportunity of panoramic views, day-long sun and privacy on this prominent site.

Special consideration has been given to the placement of rear windows which provide ‘scooped’ daylight and views of the sky whilst also preventing overlooking to the properties behind.

The building’s character is informed by its context with red terraced brick, colour, texture and patterning providing a richness that builds on the local Dublin vernacular.

Private, AllJonathan Black