Research & Analysis


We understand that it’s difficult to know where to begin when you decide to embark on a building project. So we’ve put together some handy tips & tools to help you formulate a brief and a budget depending on your project type. We’ve also put together some free project planning packs to get you started.

Before you jump into the design phase we always recommend undertaking some research and analysis to ensure you make decisions in an informed manner. This involves commissioning a small piece of work called a Feasibility Study (or as we call it a Discovery Review) that looks at the key questions that need an early answer BEFORE you spend thousands on design fees. This short study has the potential to save a lot of time & money down the line too.

When moving to new premises, reconfiguring an existing space or planning to build something new we can help to

  • establish the potential

  • determine the approximate costs involved

  • calculate the time it will take to get there

  • map out the steps you will need to make it happen

If you think you’ve got a promising project and we might be able to help, lets start talking - arrange a free project feasibility call, just book in a time that suits you.

Got empty space, costing you money and wondering what to do with it?

Download Project Planning Pack

Gavin McGregor